What does p2p means? What is Bittorrent?
Please take a look at this Wiki page.
Where does the donated money go?
All donated money goes towards the running of MuseBootlegs.
What does p2p means? What is Bittorrent?
I registered but did not receive a confirmation email and cannot log in. Why?
If you receive your email from AOL, Yahoo, Hotmail or another major email provider, our confirmation email was most likely filtered out as spam. Please consult your email provider as to how to retrieve filtered mail. If you cannot retrieve our confirmation email and cannot log in, please contact us.
I've lost my username or password, what should I do?
If you've forgotten your login (password or username), use the forgotten password feature provided on the Home page by submitting the email address we have for you on file. You should receive an email shortly after. Click on the link in the email then wait for the next email to retrieve your login details.
If you receive an error when you add your email to the email field in the forgotten password area, then you are using an email we do not have on file for you. Please only use the email address we have on file for you. If your email has changed, you should notify us.
IMPORTANT: If you do not receive an email from us within a few hours of using the lost password form, please be sure to check your junk or bulk email folder. If you still need assistance, please contact us. -
Can I rename my account?
Yes, please send a message to a member of staff with the username you would like to use.
Can I or you delete my account?
Yes, contact a member of staff with the reason why you want your account deleting.
I registered but did not receive a confirmation email and cannot log in. Why?
Most common reasons for statistics not updating
The server is overloaded and unresponsive. Just try to keep the session open until the server responds again. (Flooding the server with consecutive manual updates is not recommended.)
You are using a faulty client.
You have DHT, Peer Exchange or Local Peer Discovery turned on in your client. All those settings have to be turned OFF. Please refer to your client manual to find out how to disable those settings.
You are on a shared IP with another user. In that case, if the same torrent is uploaded at the same time by two or more users, only one account is awarded with upload credit. This also applies to shared seedbox users. We also suggest to all users to use well tested clients: Windows: Utorrent, BitTornado, rtorrent, ktorrent, libtorrent, CTorrent. Other: Azureus, Deluge, Transmission.
Make sure you exit your client properly, so that the tracker receives “event=completed”.
If the tracker is down, do not stop seeding. As long as the tracker is back up before you exit the client the stats should update properly.
We STRONGLY recommend you use either µTorrent (windows, linux and FreeBSD) or Azureus (windows, Linux and OSX), in both cases use the newest available version.
What is Ratio?
Ratio = amount downloaded divided by amount uploaded.
You definitely want to have a higher ratio. If you achieve a share ratio of 1.0, that would mean you've uploaded as much as you've downloaded. The higher the number, the more you have contributed. If you have below a 1.0 that means you are just downloading and not uploading as much to help others complete their download. If you have a good ratio, you will be more appreciated by the torrent community. People don't like leachers.
Most common reasons for statistics not updating
Are multiple accounts allowed?
You will not create more than one account. Multiple accounts for the same person will result in removal of all accounts created by that person.
Is account sharing allowed?
The sharing of accounts is strongly discouraged, and highly recommended that it does not take place.
There are many reasons for this. The primary reason for this is that the number one method of getting "hacked" and having unintended things occur to the account is due to account sharing. When an account is shared, many of the services that we can offer to assist you in recovering from such an incident are not possible.
Secondly, it is possible that you and the person(s) you share with may have a "falling out" and quite often a war of attrition occurs on shared items/accounts. It also makes providing basic service to the account problematic such as email changes.
Please be aware that the sharing of accounts may result in the loss of support, and the eligibility or protection of a restoration of any kind. The user becomes fully responsible for the actions taken on the account as a result of account sharing.
Lastly, all actions found done to the account are the responsibility of the account owner, when compromised.. -
Inviters and Invitees
Please also be aware that you as the inviter are responsible for your invitees so help them out by making sure they read the site rules, general tips (Mainly stay AWAY from packs) and possibly suggest outside seeding for them in order to help them build a nice ratio buffer here. Dont just invite them and send them on their way.
This is where we find most users get banned and if we see this happening, action will be taken to the inviter for choosing not to help the users they invite and just leave them to their own devices on a strange torrent site.
Multiple occurances of this could lead to a warning on the inviter and if a user comes to us with help on basic things that the inviter should have covered then we normally do follow up on thise. YOU are responsible for your invitees. If they cheat, it's probable that the inviter didn't give them tips, guidelines on ratio etc..
What is Passkey?
The passkey system has been implemented in order to substitute the ip checking system. This means that the tracker doesnt check anymore your logged ip in order to verify if you are logged in or registered with the tracker. Every user has a personal passkey, a random key generated by the system. When a user tries to download a torrent, it's personal passkey is imprinted in the tracker url of the torrent, allowing to the tracker to identify any source connected on it.
Are multiple accounts allowed?
My IP address is dynamic. How do I stay logged in?
You need to login to the site every time your IP changes (when you have dynamic IP or access the site from different place than the last time).
Why should I care about configuring my router's firewall?
When you havent configured correctly your router's firewall, or windows firewall you cannot accept incoming connections. This means that other peers in the swarm will be unable to connect to you, only you to them. Even worse, if two peers are both in this state they will not be able to connect at all. This has obviously a detrimental effect on the overall speed.
The way to solve the problem involves opening the ports used for incoming connections (the same range you defined in your client) on the firewall and/or configuring your NAT server / router to use a basic form of NAT for that range instead of NAPT (the actual process differs widely between different router models. Check your router documentation and/or here).
My IP address is dynamic. How do I stay logged in?
Why can't I upload torrents?
You must be doing something wrong...
Please raise a post in the forum with the details of the error.
Can I upload your torrents to other trackers?
We are a closed, limited-membership community. Only registered users can use our tracker. Posting our torrents on other trackers is useless, since most people who attempt to download them will be unable to connect with us.
Why can't I upload torrents?
How do I begin Downloading?
Visit the Torrents section on the menu bar. This will show you the latest torrents the site has to offer.
What is DHT/PEX/LPD and why must I turn it off?
DHT must be disabled in your client, DHT can cause your stats to be recorded incorrectly and could be seen as cheating also disable PEX (peer exchange) Anyone using this will be banned for cheating the system. Check your snatchlist regularly to ensure stats are being recorded correctly, allow 30 minutes for the tracker to update your stats.
Why did an active torrent suddenly disappear?
The torrent may have been out-of-sync with the site rules.
The uploader/Staff Member may have deleted it because it was a bad release.
The torrent may have been ”dead” for some time and thus has been removed as a result. A dead torrent means there are no seeders and no leechers.
How do I resume a broken download or reseed something?
Open the .torrent file. When your client asks you for a location, choose the location of the existing file(s) and it will resume/reseed the torrent.
Why do my downloads sometimes stall at 99%?
The more pieces you have, the harder it becomes to find peers who have pieces you are missing. That is why downloads sometimes slow down or even stall when there are just a few percent remaining. Just be patient and you will, sooner or later, get the remaining pieces.
What are these "a piece has failed an hash check" messages?
Bittorrent clients check the data they receive for integrity. When a piece fails this check it is automatically re-downloaded. Occasional hash fails are a common occurrence, and you shouldn't worry as they normally fix themselves.
Some clients have an (advanced) option/preference to 'kick/ban clients that send you bad data' or similar. It should be turned on, since it makes sure that if a peer repeatedly sends you pieces that fail the hash check it will be ignored in the future.
The torrent is supposed to be 500MB. How come I downloaded 520MB?
If your client receives bad data it will have to redownload it, therefore the total downloaded may be larger than the torrent size. Make sure the “kick/ban” option is turned on to minimize the extra downloads.
How do I begin Downloading?
Increase BitTorrent download speeds
Striving to get the most out of your bandwidth? Struggling with slow BitTorrent download speeds? The first step is to see if your BitTorrent client is properly configured through the settings - a simple tweak here and there can drastically improve the download speed. Here are some other suggestions to fine-tune your downloading to maximize those torrents:
— Do not ‘Force Start’ your torrents. While doing this seems to ’start’ all torrents when some are waiting in a queue, this in fact spreads out your upload capacity over too many connections thus impacting your download speed. You are better off to change your settings to allow more current simultaneous connections/downloads.
— Do not operate torrents in ‘Super-Seed’ Mode. Super-seed mode is NOT recommended for general use. While it does assist in the wider distribution of rare data, because it limits the selection of pieces a client can download, it also limits the ability of those clients to download data for pieces they have already partially retrieved. Therefore, super-seed mode is only recommended for initial seeding (ie. new torrents from the original uploader), or for re-seeding.
— Setting a proper upload limit:
Another thing you can do to optimize your speed with BitComet (or any other BitTorrent client), is to set a proper upload speed. With BitTorrent, you need to upload in order to maximize downloading, but you don’t want to set the Upload settings too high or else now it starts to eat into your download bandwidth. And you don’t want to set it too low, or else the trackers will recognize this and your downloading speed will be reduced. First, set your “Global Max Download Rate” to NO LIMIT. Second, set your upload speed to be about 80% of what your total upload bandwidth is. Do NOT ask your Internet Service Provider to tell you the upload limit, since there are too many variants involved. They can tell you what bandwidth package you subscribe to, but they can’t tell you the real number. Go to www.dslreports.com/tools and click on the ‘Speed Tests’ link there.
MAKE SURE that you stop all Internet activity first (P2P, online games, file downloading, etc.) or else you will get false results. Choose one that is nearest your city, or experiment with them. What you’re looking for here is consistent “upload” speed results. Run the test a few times until you see a similarity between all results and the upload speed. For this example, my upload speed is “743 Kbps” or 743 Kilobits/second. But what I really need is the number measured in Kilobytes (not Kilobits), so I must multiply 743 by 1/8 to get it into Kilobytes. 743 X 1/8 (or 743 X 0.125) = 92.9 KB/s. Now I need 80% of 92.9 (or 92.9 X 0.8) which is 74 KB/s (I have mine set at 65 since I run other Internet programs). But the most important thing is for me to keep that setting under 92.9, or it’ll hog some of my download speed.
For Azureus users, there’s a built-in speed tester right in the program itself. Go to TOOLS > Speed Test… and select either ‘BT Upload’ or ‘BT Download’. However; we found the Azureus results to be about 30% lower than the DSLReports tests (even with an idle connection) so stick with the latter for more accurate ‘overall’ bandwidth results.
Another thing you should change is the “Max Simultaneous Download Tasks Number”. This is the number of tasks that BitComet can run at the same time - change this to a higher number. Most BitTorrent clients, if not all, allow (and require) an increase in these connections. The default settings are usually set very low to accommodate lower-end PCs and PCs with minimal Internet bandwidth.
BitTorrent Ports Tip to Speed Up Clients
Some users of the BitTorrent client report experiencing slow downloads when sharing P2P files. This is most likely to occur on computers behind a home router or software firewall.
Being behind firewalls, the BitTorrent client may block incoming Bit Torrent network connections. Given the load balancing and "swarming" nature of the BitTorrent network, clients unable to take incoming requests for uploads will naturally be allowed less bandwidth for downloads.
To solve this problem, consider the following:
- When a user starts a BitTorrent client, the client sets up a network resource called a "port" to allow other Bit Torrent clients to connect ot it. Each port possesses a unique number called the "TCP port number."
- A BitTorrent client normally associates the TCP port number 6881. However, if this port is busy for some reason, the client will instead try successively higher ports (6882, 6883, and so on up to a limit of 6999). In order for outside BitTorrent clients to reach this one, they must be able to connect to the correct port.
- When connecting to another BitTorrent client, the requesting client will first try port 6881, then 6882, and so on. However, if the computer is on a firewalled network, the incoming request may not reach these ports. On the other hand, if these requests succeed, the accepting client will be able to download faster.
- Firewalls can block nearly all of the ports used by P2P clients. To ensure the BitTorrent ports are made available to requesting clients, a home router or firewall can be manually configured to accept them. Most home routers possess a feature called "Port Range Forwarding" to do this. This feature allows the administer to tell the firewall where traffic for a given port number should be directed.
- For BitTorrent, many home users set up port forwarding on the TCP range 6881-6889. These ports must be directed to the computer running the BitTorrent client. If more than one computer on the network may run BitTorrent, a different range such as 6890-6899 or 6990-6999 can be used for each. Remember that BitTorrent uses ports in the 6881-6999 only.
- Many people don't realize that Windows XP computers include the built in Windows Firewall. If port forwarding is set up on a home router, but Windows Firewall is running on the BitTorrent client computer, incoming requests may still fail to reach the client. Ensure the Windows Firewall is either disabled or is set up to allow the appropriate BitTorrent ports to pass through. The same recommendation applies to other software firewalls.
- On home networks without a router, the software firewall (Windows Firewall, ZoneAlarm, or other) must be set up to provide the equivalent forwarding or pass-through capability as needed.
- When a user starts a BitTorrent client, the client sets up a network resource called a "port" to allow other Bit Torrent clients to connect ot it. Each port possesses a unique number called the "TCP port number."
What Is 'Port Forwarding'?
Port forwarding, also referred to as tunneling, is essentially the process of intercepting traffic bound for a certain IP/port combination and redirecting to a different IP and/or port. This redirection may be accomplished by an application running on the destination host, or it may be performed by intermediate hardware, like a router, proxy server or firewall.
Normally, a routing device will look at the header of a packet and simply send it to the appropriate interface to reach the destination it finds in the header. In port forwarding, however, the intercepting application or device reads the packet header, notes the destination, but rewrites the header information and sends it to a another host destination, different from the one requested. That host destination may be a different IP using the same port, a different port on the same IP, or completely different combination of the two.
In the example below, sends a request to on port 80. An intermediate host,, intercepts the packets sent by It rewrites the packet headers and sends them on to on port 8080: --> --> Makes a request to Actually sends to The host responds to the request, and sends the response to The host rewrites the packet, indicating that the response is from, and sends them to --> --> Sends its respond to Forwards the response to As far as is concerned, it has sent a request to on port 80 and received a response back from on port 80. This is not what has happened; the traffic has never actually touched However, because of the way the packets have been rewritten, sees that it has gotten a response from
The important thing to remember in port forwarding is that the destination is always from the perspective of the requestor. Even though is the destination for the traffic from in the diagram, the destination for all traffic from the requestor's perspective is
Port forwarding is extensively used to keep unwanted traffic off networks. It allows administrators to use one IP address for all external communications on the Internet while dedicating multiple servers with different IPs and ports to the task internally. This is very useful for home network users, who may wish to run an FTP server, a Web server and a gaming server on one network. Users with this type of need can set up a single public IP address on the router to translate requests to the proper server on the internal network. This arrangement has the advantage of hiding exactly what services are running on the network, using only IP address to accomplish multiple tasks, and dropping all traffic at the firewall that is unrelated to the services provided.
Web proxies also provide a port forwarding service. Like the above home network example, Web proxy servers use port forwarding to prevent direct contact between clients and the Internet. A Web proxy will inspect and rewrite packets moving to and from Internet destinations, allowing network administrators to control access to restricted sites, log accesses and protect internal clients from external threats like port scanning.
Port forwarding can additionally be used send otherwise insecure TCP traffic through a secure SSH connection (also called a tunnel). This connection can be used to encrypt any type of TCP traffic, including HTTP, POP3, SMTP and FTP. A client on the requestor connects to a service running on the destination host, and this creates an encrypted tunnel through which traffic may pass securely.
Port forwarding is an excellent way to preserve public IP addresses, protect servers and clients from unwanted access, "hide" the services and servers available on a network, and limit access to and from a network. It has the benefit of being transparent to the end user while adding an extra layer of security to networks.
10 Ways To Speed Up Torrent Downloads
Imagine being on the autobahn with the accelerator down and then you realize that you are driving a wrecked car. The plight is not so uncommon on the information superhighway too.
Torrent users would attest to the fact that half of our time is spent looking for ‘healthy’ torrents and the other half trying to download (and a bit of upload too) at the maximum speed. The former is mandatory; the latter thankfully is within the realm of tweaking.
If you are the one who thinks that your torrent download speeds could do with a boost then keep reading. Below, you’ll find a few tips on how to speed up torrent download speed.
Your ISP is where it starts
Choosing the right BitTorrent client
Go for healthy seeds and peers
Get through the firewall
Limit your upload rate
Go to a different port
Increase the number of Max Half Open TCP connections
Experiment with Protocol Encryption
Bandwidth and connections
Some common sense
Check the maximum download and upload speeds allowed by your ISP. Most ISP’s have specific bandwidths for both uploads and downloads. Obviously your torrent download speed won’t cross the cap set by the ISP. Go over to this article on Speed.io for broadband speed test and this one by Tina on ways to increase your connection speed. There are many other bandwidth testers like DSLReports which is included in the speed test within uTorrent.
Use the better clients out there like uTorrent, Vuze or the BitTorrent client itself. Wikipedia lists about 51 of them supporting the BitTorrent protocol. The choice of client used should always be updated to the latest version. The screenshots here depict uTorrent. The settings should be similarly configurable for other clients too. Mac users shuld also check our Transmission vs. uTorrent post
A peer is any computer participating in the download and upload of a torrent file. A seed (or seeder) is anyone who has one complete copy of the file being shared across the torrent network. A leech (or a leecher) is the person who does not have the complete file yet but has joined the network to download it. A leecher becomes a seeder when he downloads the entire file and then shares it across the network.
For high torrent speeds, the best bet is in numbers. The greater the number of seeders, the healthier the torrent and the better the chance of higher speeds. The rule of thumb says to choose the torrent files with a high number of seeders and preferably lesser number of leechers i.e. a higher seed-leecher ratio.
Firewalls can block all incoming BitTorrent connections coming through. To ensure otherwise, a firewall should be manually configured to accept the connections and let it through the client. Windows XP has the Windows Firewall. Configure the firewall installed to accept the connections by checking the BitTorrent client on the allowed list i.e. Options – Preferences ““ Connection – check Add uTorrent to Windows Firewall. Also, check the Windows Firewall exception (if you keep it enabled) in your client too. Shutting down the firewall is not recommended as it leaves the computer open to attack.
Note: If the home computer is behind a router, it also should be configured through the feature called Port Range Forwarding to enable torrent traffic. The router documentation should have specific information on this.
A peer to peer network is all about sharing alike, but an unlimited upload rate hits the download rate too. Using the speed tests, find out your maximum upload speed and then set your client’s upload rate (Global Upload Rate in uTorrent) to about 80% of your maximum upload speed. You can also try varying your upload speeds ““ keep it high initially and then gradually bring it down towards the middle of the download.
Note: Mind the speed units ““ it may be given in kilobits per second (kb/sec) or kilobytes per second (kB/sec). 1 kilobyte = 8 kilobit
The default port for the BitTorrent protocol is any between port numbers 6881-6999. ISPs throttle traffic on these ports as BitTorrent sharing involves high bandwidth usage. It’s easy to configure a different port in your torrent client. Use some number above 10000 to get around ISPs and also avoid problems with other applications. By default, the uTorrent port is randomized each time it starts. Set a specific port by not enabling the Randomize Port setting.
This figure specifies how many connections a torrent client should attempt to establish simultaneously at any given time. Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2) or newer, limits this to a default of 10 as a barrier against virus multiplication. But that’s a bummer for torrent speeds as torrents too need a large number of simultaneous connections.
A patch has been available for a while from LvlLord which modifies the TCPIP.sys file in Windows to allow a higher number of TCP connections.
After running the patch, you have to set the number of connections in your torrent client. For example, in uTorrent go to Options ““ Preferences ““ Advanced – net.max_halfopen. Set any number from 50 to 100. But see that net.max_halfopen is set lower than the value set in TCPIP.SYS. Always check if it is still patched because Windows updates sometimes overwrite it.
Some ISPs love to act like Big Brothers and constrict bandwidth for P2P protocols. Protocol Encryption in most of the torrent clients helps to override this bandwidth shaping. Enable outgoing protocol encryption and put a checkmark on Allow Incoming Legacy Connections.
With protocol encryption, ISPs find it difficult if not impossible to detect that the traffic is coming from BitTorrent. Experiment with enabled, disabled and forced options because you could be getting better speeds with encryption disabled. Non-encryption makes a torrent connection compatible with someone who is not using encryption but as a minus it makes the torrent detectable to an ISP with a bandwidth restricting policy.
Your BitTorrent client’s settings options will let you enter figures for ““
Global maximum number of connections gives the maximum number of connections that a BitTorrent client can make for any P2P exchange. Setting this too high does NOT mean higher speeds. Setting it too high would take up useless bandwidth and too low a figure would miss out on peers. For my 256kbps connection, I have a setting of 130.
Maximum number of connected peers per torrent gives the maximum number of peers that a BitTorrent client can connect to for any P2P exchange. Experiment by setting this number close to the available peers for a particular torrent. For my 256kbps connection, I have a default setting of 70.
Number of upload slots per torrent gives the maximum number of peers that a BitTorrent client will upload to for any P2P exchange. A low setting may affect downloads. For my 256kbps connection, I have a setting of 3.
uTorrent has a Speed Guide which handily calculates the figures for a particular connection.
Most BitTorrent clients allow us to view the individual files in a download. You can selectively disable the download of files you don’t think necessary.
Familiarize yourself with the customization settings of your particular client available in the Help files or at the website FAQs.
- Some useful resources
Best BitTorrent Clients 2011
1. Tixati
Tixati is a slick new torrent program authored by the architect of the WinMiX OpenNap program. Definitely a sophisticated and forward-thinking client, Tixati is already embracing the shift towards trackerless torrent swarming: magnet links, PEX, and DHT swarming works very well in Tixati. The throttling features and wide range of priority adjustments will make any fussy P2P user quite happy, and you'll find that download speeds are at least as fast as Vuze and uTorrent. The bitfield graphs and 'executive dashboard' display is very professional, and this product easily earns itself a spot amongst the best torrent clients today. Definitely try Tixati for torrent P2P needs.
2. uTorrent
Known as both "u-torrent" and "micro torrent", this is the most popular torrent tool today. uTorrent has all the functions a torrent downloader will ever need, and it only requires 1 MB of hard drive space and memory. uTorrent has all the downloading and seeding performance of its competitors, but with minimal impact to the rest of your computer's speed.
3. Vuze (formerly 'Azureus')
You can call it 'bloatware', or you can call it 'the Lexus of torrent software': Vuze is a large software product that offers a smorgasbord of features (most of which you may never use). You can play any media in Vuze, including HD videos. You can play music, and run most any media in this product. Apparently, you can also use Vuze to run media on your iPhone, Xbox, or PSP. Vuze is very popular, and you'll want to give Vuze a try for a couple days and decide for yourself if this powerful product fits your style of downloading and viewing media.
4. Deluge Torrent
Linux and OS X people: rejoice! Here is a software that is very friendly towards your operating systems, and many About.com readers say good things about this product. It has a clean metallic-but-soft interface design, and most any statistic and metric you might ever want to see about your uploads and downloads. Like most torrent clients, the product is free, and built/supported by programming enthusiasts who truly believe in file sharing.
5. Transmission Bittorrent
Mac users and Linux users: this product is for you. Tranmission is a lean product that allegedly uses the smallest memory footprint of any torrent client today. It's open source, clean-looking, and a favorite amongst Mac users. Give Transmission a try if you are an Apple or Linux user.
6. ABC (Another Bittorrent Client)
This product is quite plain looking. But don't let the appearance fool you: this product is solid, and offers good functionality. You can easily configure the display to show stats/seeds/trackers. You can easily pause and queue any torrent at any time. You can also set timers on your upload options (very nice for serious P2P users). And the product is written in the lean Python/wxPython code languages.
7. TurboBT
TurboBT is a product that is published in multiple human languages, including: Mandarin, Romanian, German, Portuguese, Russian, and French. TurboBT is free to download and use, and has been recommended as a solid Python-based P2P product.
8. BitComet
This free software is very good, but has lost many users to uTorrent, Transmission, Vuze, and Tixati. If you are a serious downloader who has particular tastes in interfaces, definitely give BitComet a try. If you are a new user, start with uTorrent or Vuze first. Note that many private torrent sites will ban you for using BitComet, as there is a pervasive belief that BitComet reports incorrect ratio information, and also leaks data to DHT.
BitTorrent Tips
BitTorrent can be tricky for novice users, so here are a few introductory tips to assist in making your experience a pleasurable one.
- Seed—Don't Just Leech
Don't be selfish. Although it's very easy to simply be a leecher (one who downloads files), you should display common courtesy to the BitTorrent community by acting as a seeder (one who shares data), so don't block others from accessing your file data. - Cover Your Tracks
Second, download free software such as BTGuard and TorrentPrivacy that masks your router ID by bouncing it through several nodes should you wish to keep your seeding and downloading private. The tradeoff for this anonymity, however, is slower download speed. It should be noted that these programs don't guarantee 100% invisibility, but they add an extra layer of protection. - Open The Flood Gates
Third, you may need to enable port forwarding if you don't believe you're seeing optimal download speeds. By default, routers and PC security software may feature firewalls that slow or block data, so make that they allow incoming TCP and UDP connections. - Clean Up Your Mess
Finally, make sure to clean out your client's incomplete download folder should you lose a signal. Although the content may not have fully downloaded, the torrent itself remains—and is the size of what would've been the downloaded file. In other words, even if the 2GB video file didn't fully download, there will be 2GB of hard drive space allotted to it.
- Seed—Don't Just Leech
Increase BitTorrent download speeds